Monday, March 5, 2012

~Recomended Reading~

Even though I was already a fan of Hunter S. Thomsom's work, a research paper has me enjoying this book immensely. HST's writing style is so refreshing and catchy that I dont mind to write a 12 page paper on it. Ok, well that part still sux, but all in all this book is a realistic, unpolished, first hand account of life with the Angels. Not really a book I would read poolside, but defenitely a tale to shake things up. This book might be hard to find in your average book store, but on Amazon, it's a steal!

Friday, January 6, 2012

winter :*

Being a Floridian, the 2 weeks its not 70 degrees or higher are vital to my love of frostyness.

It's the only time we can get all sassy and layer up :-)